Information in plain English with detail steps and information for ISO 14001:2015 certification and requirements are given in our C102 ppt presentation kit with sample copy of ISO 14001 certified auditor training certificate. The ISO 14001 2015 ppt presentation auditor training kit is designed to learn Environment Management System as well as EMS 14001 auditing concept with auditing forms and ready to use EMS 14001 audit checklist. The iso 14001 2015 ppt presentation is helpful for companies who want to arrange in house awareness and certified internal auditor course for environment management
Global Manager Group provides Occupation, health and safety (Oh&S) Awareness and Auditor Training presentation kit for Occupational health and safety system certification. OH&S 18001 training with ppt presentation slides is intended for companies who are attempting to train the all employees on their Occupational, Health and Safety Management System. These occupational health and safety system ppt slides can also being used by many OHSAS consultants while conducting corporate system awareness and auditor training courses at for their clients. We have conducted many onsite and online OH
Information on detail steps for Quality and Environmental - EQMS Integrated management system certification and requirements are given in our C104 ppt presentation kit with sample certified EQMS auditor training certificate. The EQMS Auditor Training presentation kit is designed to learn Environment and Quality Management Systems auditing concept with auditing forms and ready audit checklist in editable format. The QMS EMS - 2015 ppt presentation is designed based on ISO 9001:2015 and ISO 14001:2015 that helps companies who want to arrange in-house awareness and certified internal auditor cour
Food safety management system – ISO 22000:2018 Awareness and Auditor Training with FSMS requirements are given in C105 ISO 22000:2018 ppt presentation kit with copy of ISO 22000 auditor training certificate. The FSMS auditor training ppt presentation kit is designed to learn Food Safety Management System as well as ISO 22000:2018 internal auditing concept. It is designed for companies who want to arrange in-house awareness and certified internal auditor training for their organization's food safety management system. Our iso 22000 ppt presentation slides are used and verified by our consu
The detail information on ISO/IEC 27001:2022 - Information technology — Security management system requirements is available in our ISO 27001 auditor training ppt presentation kit. The ISO 27001 standard is released in 2005 and recently revised in 2022. In this revised ISO 27001:2022 standard the focus is on performance, measurement and evaluation of ISMS with the help of measurable objectives, control on outsourcing processes, scope and assessment and treatment of information security risks for meeting the need of the organization, process approach. Our ISO 27001 Auditor Training ppt kit
Information on QMS auditing to ensure ISO 9001:2015 requirements are implemented are given in our C108 ISO 9001 2015 PPT - QMS Auditor Training presentation kit. The ISO 9001:2015 ppt presentation kit is designed to learn Quality Management System requirements as well as ISO 9001:2015 auditing concept with auditing forms and ready-to-use ISO 9001 audit checklist as per the revised 2015 requirements. ISO 9001 ppt presentation is designed for the companies who want to arrange in-house ISO 9001:2015 certified internal auditor course for the quality management system auditing. The QMS iso 9001 2-1
GMG offers BRC Food Safety Issue-9 awareness and auditor training presentation ppt slides for food companies, which is based on revised BRC Food Safety Global Standard issue 9. The BRCGS has revised the BRC food safety standard Issue 8 and has issued the new standard as BRCGS Global Standard Food Safety Issue 9 in August 2022 covering product safety, authenticity, legality and quality for the food industries. This standard will become effective from 1st February 2023. By implementing the latest BRCGS food safety standard, companies can get confidence, credibility, consistency, competence
The updated QMS standard ISO 9001:2015 was released in September 2015. It is mandatory for the certified companies to upgrade their existing system during their surveillance or re-certification audits over a period of 3 years.
The editable documented information addresses the need to fulfill ISO 9001:2015 standard requirements and to prepare the company’s own documented information including ISO 9001 manual, SOPs, exhibits, blank forms, process flowcharts as well as department-wise and requirement-wise audit checklists. Our documentation package is a complete ISO 9001:2015 revised docum
Information on ISO 14001:2015 documentation requirements for quick certification with the complete list of more than 125 document templates are included in ISO 14001:2015 Documented Information package designed by Global Manager Group.
The editable ISO 14001 documents address the requirements of ISO 14001:2015 revised standard released in September 2015. Our documentation package includes ISO 14001 Manual, procedures, exhibits, blank forms, SOPs, and ISO 14001 audit checklists.
The document package on ISO 14001:2015 will help users to address a wide range of environmental issues and make the
Ready-to-use OHSAS 18001 Documentation kit on Occupational, Health, and Safety Management System (OH&S) is provided with Free Demo of the complete list of total documentation package by Global Manager Group. Identification of Hazard-Risk and follow-up of all OH&S controls to meet the safety as well as health issues of employees has become the top priority for any organization. For establishing good OHSAS 18001 system, appropriate documentation and process for workplace safety are primary requirements. Our editable OHSAS 18001 documents in more than 100 editable files address all the el
Information on ISMS (Information Security Management System) and implementation procedures on information security related controls are necessary to implement the system. Our ISO 27001 Documents kit gives more than 160 different types of sample templates to establish a good ISMS system. A globally reputed team of consultants and trainers have prepared our ISO 27001 documents. The ISMS emphasizes more on measuring and evaluating ISMS performance, as well as having more controls on outsourcing considering the nature of IT business. The organizations willing for ISMS, i.e. ISO 27001 cer
We offer training presentation slides on 5 S lean manufacturing Japanese Techniques. Our 5S Lean documentations, 5S Lean Manufacturing ppt and Lean Management training presentation slides have been developed for providing training and presentation material for maintaining a more organized, efficient, safe, and profitable production floor as well as office areas with the help of 5S techniques. With the help of 5S lean manufacturing ppt training presentation on 5S management system course, employees will learn the fundamental concepts of the 5S techniques that will improve quality and productivi
The Six Sigma training ppt presentation is a useful guide and training material to train the employees for Lean Six Sigma Certification, presented by Global Manager Group. In the present competitive environment, reducing defects/errors to reduce the cost and meeting certification requirements has become necessity. To determine the content and framework, develop the materials, and roll out that framework to the company are only half of the necessary work. The other half is changing the organizational culture with the help of Six Sigma training and meeting Six Sigma requirements.
It is, therefor
The strategic planning and goal setting can move your organization to world class performance. We offer strategic management planning ppt training presentation slides on strategic planning and goal setting. What is strategic management? In our presentation step by step implementation approach for strategic planning, strategic techniques, strategic planning management, goal setting and establishing key result areas are described. Leaders in each area look to a strategic plan for guidance in goal setting for their part of an organization. It is advisable to have at least some general ideas
Information on Test laboratory accreditation - ISO 17025 documents with the complete list of more than 100 editable files are provided in demo. The editable documents are addressing the requirements for establishing the best laboratory system with good laboratory practices and are prepared based on the rich experience of our consultant for calibration and test laboratory accreditation. The document toolkit is designed to address a wide range of quality related issues including and take care of all complex issues for any type of testing done in the testing laboratories. Our consulting team has
We offer BRC IOP awareness and auditor PPT training presentation slides for packaging companies based on revised (October 2024) BRC IoP Packaging standard (Issue-7). The British Retail Consortium (Lead trade association for retail industry in UK) has released BRC packaging iop standard first in 2011 for packaging industry to establish hygiene practices and food safety from packaging and packaging material industry. By implementing BRC packaging standard companies can get confidence, credibility, consistency, competence and continual improvement in cost effective manner.
Our BRC Packaging Stan
Global Manager Group provides ISO/IEC 17025:2017 accreditation consultancy as well as project consultancy for establishing the calibration laboratory and testing laboratory across the globe. GMG is selling Ready-to-Use ISO 17025:2017 accreditation documents, which is a primary requirement when a calibration laboratory goes for ISO 17025 accreditation. All 17025 accredited laboratories need to prepare documentation to follow standard guidelines for maintaining a Quality System in a calibration laboratory. Our packages are competitively priced and meet all requirements of the calibration lab accr
The Integrated EQMS Documentation Kit - 2015 covers all documented information required for QMS 9001:2015 and EMS 14001:2015 certification. The complete list of total documentation package on integrated system QMS 9001-2015 and EMS 14001-2015 is provided in free pdf DEMO. GMG is also offering ISO 9001-2015 and ISO 14001-2015 certification consultancy for the implementation of integrated quality and environment management systems. This document package is addressing the requirements of revised QMS 9001 and EMS 14001 standards and covers EQMS manual, procedures, blank forms, Standard Operating P
The BRCGS has revised the BRC food safety standard Issue 8 and has issued the new standard as BRCGS Global Standard Food Safety Issue 9 in August 2022 covering product safety, authenticity, legality and quality for the food industries. This standard will become effective from 1st February 2023. We offer readymade editable sample templates on BRCGS food safety documentation kit based on the revised BRCGS global food safety standard Issue-9. Our team of food safety and quality consultants has prepared this BRCGS Certification Documentation conforming to the requirements of BRCGS food safety stan
Information on BRC Global Standard for packaging and packaging material documents for quick BRC packaging- IoP certification with a complete list of total documentation package is provided in the demo by Global Manager Group. Global Manager Group offers readymade BRCGS Packaging issue 7 document kit for packaging companies based on revised BRC global standard for packaging for food product safety (Issue-7). The British retail consortium (Lead trade association for the retail industry in the UK) has released issue 7 of revised BRC packaging standard for the packaging industry to improve their h
Complete set of readymade Documents for IATF 16949:2016 certification with free sample DEMO is offered by Global Manager Group. Hence the total IATF 16949 documents are in .docx format, the user can modify the templates as per their company working system. Our packages are competitively priced and meet the requirements of IATF 16949 for automotive production and relevant service part organization or equipment manufacturing companies. Quality documents cover IATF 16949 manual, procedures, process, process flow chart, exhibit, plan, work instruction, sample forms and as well as audit checklists.
Information on CE Technical File - documents for CE Mark certification is covered in CE Mark total documentation package, provided with free DEMO by Global Manager Group. The CE marking is a European proof of conformity and is also described as "passport" that allows manufacturers and exporters to enter products freely within the EU. Many clients are already achieved CE Mark for their products using our document kit and sample CE Mark technical file. The user can modify the templates as per their products and create CE - Mark documents for their organization based on European Union requirements.
We offer Total Productive Maintenance Training- TPM ppt Presentation. Globally used TPM training presentation kit is designed by Global Manager Group, with guidance of professional management training consultants. The TPM presentation kit available with free demo provides detailed information about What is TPM, how to use TPM ppt kit to develop Total Productive Maintenance system, how a lean TPM training tool concerned with maximizing the efficiency of production machinery and more. Total productive maintenance training ppt presentation to enhance change in the culture and working style is a n
The Kaizen training ppt - Continuous Process Improvements presentation Kit is a useful training material and guide presented by Leading Management training consultant Global Manager Group.
What is Kaizen? - It is a continuous improvement management practices for process improvement in quality and production areas. This Kaizen training kit helps to understand and describe the methodology to bring continuous improvement in a company. This competitive market requires fast changing industry conditions for any company and in such environment continuous improvement in overall activity of the organi
Global Manager Group – Kanban certification training consultant provides Kanban training power point presentation. In this Kanban ppt slide show you should get knowledge about training on Pull / Kanban Systems, and it will apply the learned Pull / Kanban principles to a specified area in the company.
This kanban certification training ppt presentation will define a six-step methodology to implement Pull / Kanban systems. In addition, attendees will see the concepts in practice in repetitive and non-repetitive, as well as seasonal demand applications. Participants will learn to set-up point
Global Manager Group – Employee Motivational Training consultant provides Employee Motivation Training power point ppt presentation which covers detailed description of what goals and benefits of motivation, how motivation affects behavior, human relations and performance, motivation process and different theories related to motivation etc along with use of models and graphical presentation. employee recognition and motivation ppt slide show covers what, why and how performance appraisal, process & methods and how to evaluate, guidelines, simplest process with graphical rating descri
Goal setting can move your organization to world class performance based working organization. If we make key performance targets for each and every individual and linked it to performance based appraisal then it makes vibrant result oriented work culture. So keeping this in mind we offer employee appraisal system training presentation on goal setting, key performance areas and performance appraisal system.
Global Manager Group – corporate training consultant provides performance based employee appraisal system training power point presentation which includes step by step implementation
Global Manager Group offers Poka Yoke mistake proofing PowerPoint training PPT slide show presentation for those who want to quickly and efficiently learn how to implement Poka Yoke based mistake proofing system. It is a process to avoid inadvertent errors in the company and make mistake proofing culture in the organization. It is the methodology used to strive towards zero defect work culture by designing devices. Global Manager Group – poka yoke training consultant provides Poke Yoke training ppt presentation slides which is also being used by them while conducting corporate training s
The ISO 14001 Manual is designed to implement best Environmental management system as well as accelerate documentation process. Our package is a very good tool for preparing ISO 14001 manual for environmental system for the first time or upgrading your existing system for ISO 14001:2015 revised standard, released in September 2015. The revised documentation kit of ISO 14001 Manual Documents is prepared to meet new environmental system requirements, and it includes environmental policy, EMS objectives, scope, identified environmental issues, etc. Our ISO 14001 Manual Documents kit, which covers
Our package ISO 9001:2015 SOPs and Exhibits Templates can help you in implementing a quality management system for the first time or converting your current system for ISO 9001:2015 standard revised in September, 2015. The document templates, which include 30 SOPs for quality control and 07 Exhibits, are very useful to those clients who are interested in purchasing partial content of ISO 9001:2015 Documentation Kit.Ready-to-edit ISO 9001 documents are available in this package and you can save your time in making the SOPs and Exhibits for your company as per ISO 9001:2015 documented informatio
Our packages for ISO 9001:2015 Forms for all the departments - Document Kit can help you in implementing a quality system for the first time or converting your current system for ISO 9001:2015. The Sample ISO 9001 forms for all the departments (59 sample blank formats) are given in the kit which are very useful to those clients who are interested in purchasing partial content of total documentation kit for ISO 9001:2015. In the revised ISO 9001:2015 standard, at many places it is written to retain documented information as evidence. So to keep such records as evidences, the companies can custo
Our QMS documentation packages can help you in implementing a quality system for the first time or converting your current system for ISO 9001:2015. Now we are introducing sub document product - ISO 9001:2015 Filled Forms, which are ready-to-use editable templates for all the departments (36 filled formats). This product is very useful to those clients who are interested in purchasing partial content of ISO 9001:2015 Documentation Kit. Ready-to-edit filled forms, QMS records and sample templates are provided in this kit, which cover all the documented information required for quick certificati
The ISO 9001:2015 Audit Checklist is a document kit designed with the help of experienced QMS auditor for implementing and verifying quality management system. It is one of the primary requirements for any organization that is implementing ISO 9001 system for the first time or converting its current system for QMS 9001:2015 re-certification. The ISO 9001 audit checklist is helpful in internal auditing for quick quality management system certification. As the name indicates, the ISO 9001 audit checklist document kit contains more than 700 QMS audit questions for all the departments of the organ
The ISO 14001:2015 Procedures for implemented environmental management system meet requirements of documented information as per ISO 14001:2015 revision. This document kit - ISO 14001:2015 procedures is an environmental system documentation tool that helps youin implementing ISO 14001 system for the first time or upgrading your current EMS to ISO 14001:2015. Our company with expertise in the field of International system certification has designed this procedure templates including aspect-impact identification, legal requirements, operational control and more, which can be a very good tool to
Our package ISO 14001:2015 SOP, Exhibits, EMP Templates can help you in implementing an environmental management system for the first time or converting your current system for ISO 14001:2015 standard revised in September 2015. The document templates include 42 SOPs for establishing better EMS system in the areas of effluent treatment plant, production, engineering, etc, as well as 06 Exhibits, 06 environmental plans, and sample filled aspect-impact document. Our documents are useful to those clients who are interested in purchasing partial content of ISO 14001:2015 Documentation Kit. All the
Our ISO 14001:2015 documentation kit can help you in implementing environmental management system for the first time or converting your current system for ISO 14001:2015. Now we are introducing sub document product – Sample ISO 14001:2015 Blank Formats, which includes ready-to-use editable documentation templates for all the departments (41 blank sample forms). This kit is very useful to those clients who are interested in purchasing partial content of ISO 14001:2015 Documentation kit. In revised ISO 14001:2015, at many places it is written to retain documented information as evidence. S
The ISO 14001:2015 Audit Checklist is a documentation kit designed with the help of EMS 14001 auditors to implement and verify the environmental management system. It is one of the prerequisites for any organization implementing ISO 14001 system for the first time or converting current system to EMS 14001:2015 for re-certification. It is mandatory to carry out internal audit before external audit. The ISO 14001 audit checklist is helpful for internal auditing to get a quick environmental management system certification. As the name indicates, the ISO 14001 audit checklist document kit contains
Information in plain English with detail steps for FAMI-QS certification and requirements are given in our C115 ppt presentation kit with copy of FAMI-QS certified auditor training certificate. The FAMI-QS V5.1 ppt presentation auditor training kit is having good fami qs ppt presentation as well as FAMI-QS auditing concept with auditing forms and ready to use FAMI-QS audit checklist. FAMI-QS ppt presentation is useful for companies who want to arrange in house awareness and FAMI-QS certified internal auditor course. The FAMI-QS training presentation ppt slides are globally used by our FAMI-QS
Information on FAMI-QS documents for quick FAMI-QS certification (version 6) with a complete list of total documentation package is provided in the demo by Global Manager Group. FAMI-QS (European Feed Additives and Pre Mixtures Quality System) is becoming a very important requirement of ensuring feed safety, especially in European countries. The FAMI-QS based feed safety system is a preventive system that ensures very safe production of the feed products and compiles the feed regulation of the European countries as per the guideline of the FAMI-QS. We offer document kit covering Feed Safety ma
Information in plain English with detail steps for Laboratory safety management system are given in this C116 ppt presentation kit. The Laboratory Safety Awareness training kit is designed to take care of laboratory safety system. The Laboratory safety management system training presentation ppt slides are globally used by our consultants and more than 500 participants are so far trained by our team in various countries for establishing good laboratory safety system under good laboratory practices. The Laboratory safety management system training ppt presentation is intended towards those corp
Information in plain English with detail steps for Energy management system certification and requirements are given in our C117 ISO 50001:2018 auditor training presentation kit with copy of sample certificate of certified auditor training. The Energy management system auditor training - iso 50001 oot is designed to learn Energy Management System auditing concept with auditing forms and ready to use EnMS audit checklist. The ISO 50001 ppt presentation is useful for companies who want to arranged in-house awareness and certified internal auditor course for energy management system. The EnMS tra
For establishing good Energy Management System - ISO 50001 Documents are required and a complete list of total documentation package is provided in demo. The standard is revised in 2018 by ISO and widely known as ISO 50001:2018. The revised standard has many changes in the requirements of the energy management system. We offer new ISO 50001:2018 Documents for implementation of an energy management system that will result in quick iso 50001 certification. The editable energy system documents complete package includes iso 50001 manual, energy procedures, forms, operating procedures, and iso 5000
The ISO 9001:2015 Manual is designed to implement best quality management system as well as accelerate documentation process. Our package can be a very good tool, whether you are implementing an ISO 9001 quality system for the first time or upgrading your existing system for ISO 9001:2015 revised standard. The revised documentation kit on ISO 9001 Manual is prepared to meet new quality system requirements. It includes quality policy, quality objectives, scope etc. Our ISO 9001 manual is very useful to those clients who are interested in purchasing partial content of ISO 9001:2015 documentation
The Process Flowchart for quality management system meets requirements of documented information included in ISO 9001:2015 revisions. The quality document package - ISO 9001:2015 process flowchart is a quality documentation tool that helps you, whether you are implementing ISO 9001 system for the first time or upgrading your current QMS to ISO 9001:2015. Global Manager Group, having expertise in the field of International system certification, has designed these process templates including input-output linkages for various processes with opportunity and risk details for each process. This docu
Now, we are introducing ISO 27001:2022 Information Security ISMS Manual (10 Chapters and 3 Annexure) prepared as per ISO 27001:2022 standards for the information security management system. Our ISMS manual templates can help you in both aspects - implementing an ISO 27001 information security management system (ISMS) for the first time, as well as converting your current system to ISO 27001:2022. This document kit is very useful for the clients who are interested in purchasing partial content of ISO 27001:2022 ISMS document Kit.
Ready-to-use ISO 27001 Manual is prepared in line with ISO 27001
Now we are introducing ISO 27001:2022 procedures for information security assurance, which is very useful to those clients who are interested in purchasing partial content of ISO 27001:2022 document kit. Our ISO 27001 procedures can help you, whether you are implementing an ISO 27001 information security system requirements for the first time or converting your current system for ISO 27001:2022 certification. Ready-to-use ISO 27001 procedures are prepared as per ISO 27001 ISMS standards requirements for certification. With the help of our ready-made editable ISO 27001 procedures kit, you can s
Our package on ISO 27001 process SOPs and risk control policy can help you, whether you are implementing an ISO 27001:2022 Information security management system for the first time or converting your current system for ISO 27001:2022 certification. Now we are introducing this document kit containing ISO 27001 information security SOPs, process flowcharts and sample policies (09 SOPs and 06 Process flow charts and 29 Policy), which is very useful to those clients who are interested in purchasing partial content of ISO 27001:2022 documentation kit. Ready-to-use ISO 27001 SOPs, Process flow chart
The ISO 27001 forms and templates given in this ready-to-use ISO document kit can help you in implementing an ISO 27001:2022 Information Security Management System for the first time or converting your current system to ISO 27001: 2022. Now we are introducing sample ISO 27001 forms for all the departments (45 sample blank formats and templates) which are very useful to those clients who are interested in purchasing partial content of ISO 27001:2022 IT security system document kit. Ready-to-edit ISO 27001 formats are available in this kit. You can save your time in preparation of the blank samp
ISO 27001 Checklists for Information security management system internal auditing are useful ISO documents used in ISO 27001:2022 certification. Our ISO 27001:2022 Audit Checklists can help you, whether you are implementing an IT information security management system for the first time or converting your current system as per ISO 27001:2022. Now we are introducing department wise and ISO 27001:2022 requirements wise internal audit ISMS checklists (more than 500 questions). ISO 27001 checklist document is very useful to those clients who are interested in purchasing partial content of ISO 2700
The Documentation is required for ISO 17020 Accreditation - Conformity Assessment for inspection agency. The ISO 17020 Quality manual, procedures, as well as ready-to-use iso 17020 audit checklists are the most important part of this ISO 17020 accreditation kit.
The accredited certifying body auditors conduct the ISO 17020 certification audit. Our editable sample ISO 17020 documents take care of the requirements for conformity assessment. The user can modify these templates on the basis of their organization’s working system. The user can create ISO 17020 documents for their company. Al
Information on documentation requirements for quick Food Safety Management System Certification is provided with total ISO 22000 2005 documentation kit designed by Global Manager Group. We offer readymade ISO 22000 Document Templates for food organizations with a quick download facility. Our Food Safety Management System - ISO 22000 documentation kit includes food safety manual, mandatory procedures, SOPs, audit checklists in ready-to-edit MS-Word format. This iso 22000 documentation kit is based on good food safety, hygiene and sanitation practices with easy to modify templates, which saves a
Originally developed by the American Chemistry Council for use by its members and Responsible Care Partners as part of its Responsible Care certification process, The RC14001 Technical Specification combines the elements of the American Chemistry Council’s (“ACC”) Responsible Care initiative with those of the ISO 14001 Environmental Management System requirements established by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO). RC14001 enables a company to obtain, through an application and audit process, a certification that its management system conforms to both the
The ISO 17021 Accreditation to Certifying Body is a procedure by which an accreditation body gives formal recognition of technical competence for specific system certification based on third-party assessment. Like other International certification, it needs standard documentation which conforming to the requirements of Conformity Assessment of certifying bodies as per ISO/IEC 17021 2015. The standard is revised in June 2015, as ISO/IEC 17021-1:2015, which contains principles and requirements for the bodies providing audit and certification of all types of management systems.
The food safety system helps an organization to implement a preventive system that ensures very safe production of the food products. Global Manager Group has designed ready to use document kit for FSSC 22000 Scheme (Version 6) - food safety system certification, which covers FSSC 22000 Manual, food safety and HACCP procedures, SOPs, formats, and FSSC audit checklists, etc., prepared as per latest version 6.0. The entire food safety system document kit is designed in an editable format and can be used as a quick tool for documenting the FSSC system. It has been developed and is also being used
We offer an easy-to-edit documentation kit based on latest maturity model requirements. Our documents are editable and covering policy manual, procedures, guidelines, coding standards, sample and filled formats, Interview affirmation questions, and audit checklists, etc. This document kit is designed as per requirements for maturity level 3 for the development model. This document kit can be effectively used to learn different levels of appraisal. It can be an effective guide to educate management, employees, vendors or other groups to improve the processes and documentation preparation. The u
The NABH accreditation standard is developed for hospital accreditation by the National Accreditation Board for Hospitals and Healthcare Providers (NABH). For hospital accreditation, the system is divided into 2 parts.
For the hospital accreditation, there are 10 requirements and our Hospital Accreditation Documentation (5th Edition) is helpful for any kind of hospital. NABH accreditation requirements as per the 5th edition in 2020 are mainly focusing on patient rights and education, cont
Medical devices - Quality management systems - Requirements for regulatory purposes represent the requirements that the medical device manufacturers must incorporate into their management systems. These iso 13485 2016 manual requirements are becoming popular among the medical devices' manufacturers
The ISO 13485 Certification is based on the quality management system, which helps to implement the medical device preventive system. The ISO 13485 certification ensures a very safe use of medical devices as per quality system guidelines.
Global Manager Group has designed ready-to-use ISO 13485 201
The SA8000:2014 Documentation Kit is a set of standard documents designed by Global Manager Group- globally recognized team of social accountability consultants, as per requirements of SA8000 standard revised in 2014. The SA8000 documents can be used in any organization as a ready reference tool for quick documentation and quick SA 8000 certification. The set of SA8000 documents is verified globally by SA 8000 consultants for effectively improving work conditions in the organizations to meet social accountability as well as social compliance.
SA8000 is a standard developed by Social Accountab
Personnel Certification is popular to harmonize the personnel conformity assessment process worldwide. ISO/IEC 17024:2012 assessment needs proper Person certification documentation which conforming to the requirements of the 2012 version and ANSI Guidelines, regarding the components that must be included in the development and maintenance of the scheme.
Our team of ISO 17024 consultants has designed ISO 17024 Documentation Kit to help personnel in formatting quick documentation that compatible with standard requirements. Our total documents are globally used documentation tools available with
The information technology service management system complies with the requirements mentioned in the clauses of ISO 20000-1:2018. Our ready to use editable ISO 20000 documentation kit with reference and related documents requirements. The document set consists of more than 110 documents that help the organization to make the best system and to educate employees, management, vendors or any other person regarding the service management system for any kind of service organization.
Global Manager Group has designed the ITSMS - ISO 20000 Documentation kit with the help of experienced system consul
The ISO 9001:2008 is revised and ISO 9001:2015 is published in September 2015. Accordingly all the certified companies had time to update their existing ISO 9001 2008 system to revised standard within 3 years means before September 2015. The ISO 9001 2015 International Standard in the QMS series is already released and for better understanding of our clients, we are providing ready to use ISO 9001:2015 awareness training kit. The requirements of revised standard are understood by our team and we had prepared iso 9001 2015 ppt - training kit with examples of risk assessment sheet and many other
Based on the latest ISO/IEC 17043:2023 standard for Conformity Assessment - General Requirements for the Competence of Proficiency Testing Providers, this documentation kit has been prepared especially for meeting the documentation needs of Proficiency Testing Providers for Testing Laboratories. Our team of ISO/IEC 17043 consultants having more than 25 years of experience in ISO/IEC 17043 system implementation and accreditation for PT providers has created this documentation package which contains technical documents also. The ISO 17043 Manual, procedures, SOPs, ISO 17043 audit checklist , blank
The British retail consortium (Lead trade association for the retail industry in the UK) has released BRC global standard for Storage and Distribution issue-4 to establish product safety, quality and legality of the food, packaging and consumer products. We designed to offer a readymade Documentation kit based on BRC global standard for Storage and Distribution (Issue-4). Our BRC consulting team has prepared BRC Documents conforming to the requirements of the standard. Globally many food processing and packaging organizations are using our BRC documentation kits for the last 10 years, which in
The ISO 17034 2016 standard is developed for Reference material producer accreditation by ISO in 2017. Global Manager Group has studied requirements of the documentation process for this quality standard and introduced new product D132- Documentation Kit for ISO 17034 2016 Accreditation, a set of readymade document templates. As other documentation kits, these ISO 17034 certification documents cover various technical and management documents like a quality manual, mandatory procedures, exhibits, work instruction, sample formats, and audit checklists, etc, which are primary requirements of docu
The DIN EN 15085 Part-2 standard is developed for the Quality requirements and certification of welding manufacturer for welding of railway vehicles and components, Quality requirements and certification of welding manufacturer. ISO 3834 Part–2 standard provides comprehensive Quality requirements for fusion welding of metallic materials. Both the international standards are highly relevant for railway welding and any other metallic welding manufacturers. Global Manager Group has introduced ready-to-use templates as Railway Welding Documentation Kit for DIN EN 15085-2 and ISO 3834–2
The standard for which Global Manager Group has launched documentation for accreditation is ISO/IEC 17065, "Requirements for bodies certifying products, processes, and services", and its most recent revision was published in September 2012. Its predecessor, ISO/IEC Guide 65, had been introduced in 1995 and was referenced and used by regulatory bodies or certification of products around the world.
The Accreditation to CB's engaged certifying products, process, and services is a procedure by which an iso 17065 accreditation body gives formal recognition of technical competence for specific products,
The standard ISO 15189:2022 is developed for use by medical laboratories in developing their quality management systems and assessing their own competence. The ISO 15189 standard's fourth edition was published in December 2022. The ISO 15189:2022 standard edition has been totally revised and is now in accordance with the ISO/IEC 17025 standard. The current standard incorporates the standards for point of care testing (POCT), which were previously established in the ISO 22870 standard, among other notable modifications such as the increased emphasis on risk throughout the standard. ISO
The AS9100 Rev. D is built on a base of the recently revised quality management system standard ISO 9001:2015. Companies can start their transitions now. Global Manager Group is rolling out its readymade documentation kit for AS9100 Rev. D. It will be helpful for organizations that need to prepare documentation for AS9100D, conduct a gap assessment and formulate their implementation plans, train their implementer, auditors, and top management.
The AS9100 D Documents, including quality manual, procedures, process approach, exhibits, work instructions, and audit checklist, etc., are primary req
Global Manager Group has developed CE Mark Documents to guide steel structure manufacturing companies for CE certification as per DIN EN 1090 part 2 and ISO 3834 part 2 requirements. The DIN EN 1090, part-2 defines technical requirements for Steel Structure & ISO 3834, part-2 defines quality requirements for fusion welding of metallic materials - comprehensive quality requirements.
The CE Mark Documentation for Steel Structure: manual, procedures, SOPs, forms, exhibits, etc., are primary documents conforming to the requirements of DIN EN 1090 part-2 and ISO 3834 part-2. The key advantage
The ISO 22301:2019 is standard introduced by International Organization for Standardization for business continuity management system. The requirements specified in ISO 22301:2019 are generic and intended to be applicable to all organizations or parts thereof, regardless of type, size and nature of the organization. For accurate implementation of business continuity system in the organization, all employees have to understand the requirements of standard, which can be acquired by system awareness training. This ISO 22301 Awareness and Auditor Training Kit helps them to be familiar with the sys
The documentation required for HACCP, as per Codex guidelines is the primary requirement for HACCP certification. Global Manager Group has introduced this HACCP Food Safety System Documentation Kit to cover all the requirements of HACCP documentation. Global Manager Group is having a globally reputed team of ISO consultants with rich experience in food safety management system certification. The HACCP documents as per CODEX guideline is designed accurately so that it can be used very effectively for educating vendors, employees, management, and food safety groups for the establishment of a foo
Social Compliance is a not-for-profit membership organization dedicated to making it simpler to do business that’s good for everyone. Social Compliance system is a significant milestone in improving workplace conditions like health and safety, working hours, wages, and discipline. It gives the confidence to supply chain management as a continuous, collaborative process of improvement. Social Compliance provides the largest collaborative platform in the world for buyers, suppliers, consultant and auditors to store, share and report on information quickly and easily. Global Manager Group h
We have developed the GMP Q7 Documentation to guide pharmaceutical manufacturers for Good Manufacturing Practices - GMP certification, in accordance with ICH Q7 requirements, for API (Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients) manufacturers in the pharmaceutical industry. A Good Manufacturing Practice Certification for API ensures that the products are consistently produced and controlled according to the quality standards without contamination. The GMP documents are designed to minimize the risks involved in any pharmaceutical production that cannot be eliminated through the testing of the final prod
The ISO 22301 Documentation and Training kit is developed to guide organizations for Business Continuity Management System certification as per ISO 22301:2019 requirements. Business Continuity Management System standard ISO 22301:2019 required a specific set of documents for its effective implementation and certification. This readymade ISO 22301 documentation kit is designed to minimize the time and cost involved in certification as well as better control over the implemented BCMS system.
The BCMS Documentation for ISO 22301 contains BCMS manual, procedures, exhibits, SOPs, forms, audit chec
The ISO 15378 Documentation is developed to medicinal products packaging material manufacture's certification as per ISO 15378:2017 requirements. Organizations involved in packaging material manufacturing for medicinal products looking ISO 15378:2017 certification, which covers requirements of ISO 9001:2015 with reference to Good Manufacturing Practices(GMP). The ISO 15378 certification requires a specific set of documents for system implementation. This readymade documentation kit is designed by experienced iso 15378 consultant to minimize the time and cost involved in certification as well as
The GMP+ B1 Documentation is developed for organizations involved in production, trade and Feed safety services. GMP+ B1 certification based as per feed safety requirements intended for production, trade, and services. Good Manufacturing Practice - GMP+ certification based on B1 ensures that products are consistently produced and controlled according to quality standards.
The GMP+ B1 Documentation kit contains GMP manual, procedures, process approach, SOPs, forms, exhibits and audit checklists, etc., which are primary documentation requirements for effective implementation. The GMP+ documenta
The GMP+ B3 Documentation is developed for Feed safety intended for Trade, Collection, Storage and Transshipment. GMP+ B3 certification is applicable for Trade, collection, storage, and transshipment. Good Manufacturing Practice for feed safety - GMP+ B3 certification ensures that products and processes used for trade, collection, storage, and transshipment are consistent and controlled according to quality standards.
The GMP+ B3 Documentation kit contains GMP B3 manual, procedures, process approach, SOPs, forms, exhibits and audit checklists, etc., which are primary documentation requirement
The ISO 44001 is a standard developed by ISO for a collaborative business relationship management system - Requirements and framework, simpler to do business relationship management that's good for everyone. It is an international standard that improving business relationship conditions around the world. It gives the confidence to supply chain management as a continuous, collaborative process of improvement. Global Manager Group introduced sample documents toolkit helpful for implementation from the requirements of the standard. The ISO 44001:2017 documentation kit helps the client in implement
Our C107 ISO 17025:2017 ppt presentation kit contains information in simple English. It provides detailed steps for laboratory accreditation and requirements. Also, it has a copy of sample certified auditor training certificate for laboratory certification. The ISO 17025 auditor training kit is designed to learn laboratory management system auditing concepts with the help of auditing forms and ready-to-use audit checklists. The ISO 17025 ppt presentation is designed for laboratories that want to arrange in-house awareness and run a certified internal auditor course for Laboratory Accreditation
Environmental / Chemical testing Laboratory Accreditation - ISO/IEC 17025:2017 Documentation kit provides information on the complete list of more than 100 total document requirements for establishing the best laboratory system. The document toolkit is designed based on the rich experience of our consultant to take care of all complex issues for any type of testing done in the laboratories. We offer a quick Documentation kit with ready-to-use templates to get ISO/IEC 17025 2017 Certificate. The user can modify the templates as per their test laboratory working system and create their own iso 1702
The long awaited ISO standard for Occupational, health and safety management system - BS ISO 45001 2018 is released. Global Manager Group is working on the preparation of documents for ISO 45001 since the release of its first draft. Now, we are offering BS ISO 45001:2018 Documentation kit on occupational, health and safety management system with a FREE DEMO of the complete list of total documents included with compliance matrix.
To establish a good system and achieve a quick ISO 45001 2018 certification, an appropriate documentation and process for workplace safety is primarily required. Our
The long awaited ISO 45001 standard for Occupational, health and safety management system is released in March 2018. Global Manager Group is involved in consultancy of OHSAS certification since standard was released. Now as new standard for OH&S introduced by ISO, we are eagerly announce to introduce our new product in training segment as ISO 45001:2018 Awareness and Auditor Training kit, with editable iso 45001 ppt presentation kit which is a complete guide kit to understand occupational, health and safety management system requirements as per latest ISO 45001 standard.
For establi
The British Retail Consortium (Lead trade association for the retail industry in the UK) has released a BRC global standard for Consumer products (Issue-4). It sets out requirements for manufacturers or assembly packing companies to meet in order to produce safe and legal products of consistent quality. We designed to offer readymade Documentation kit based on BRC global standard for Consumer Product. Our BRC consulting team has prepared BRC Documents conforming to the requirements of the standard. Globally many organizations are using our BRC documentation kits for the last 10 years, which in
The new standard for Occupational, health, and safety management system, ISO 45001:2018 is released by ISO. Organizations are looking for its integration with existing ISO 9001:2015 and ISO 14001:2015 system. Global Manager Group is introducing an Integrated Management System related to quality, environment, health, and safety system with a complete list of total documentation is provided in the Integrated Management System EQHSMS Documentation kit - 2018, which covers total documentation requirements of ISO 9001:2015, ISO 14001:2015 and ISO 45001:2018 integration. Global Manager Group has a g
EHSMS system is meant to continuously achieve excellence in the management and protection of the Environment, Health, and Safety. Our EHSMS Documentation Kit gives more than 150 different types of sample templates to establish a good HSE system. A globally reputed team of consultants and trainers have prepared our EHSMS documents. It is very important to have appropriate ISO 14001:2015 and ISO 45001:2018 documents which include HSE manual, procedures, forms, policies, etc., covering the integrated system. These integrated HSE documents address the requirements of the environmental and OH&S
ISO 20000 standard introduced by International Organization for Standardization for IT Service Management System (ITSMS). Global Manager Group is involved in consultancy of ISO 20000 certification since standard was released. Now we are eagerly announce to introduce our new product in training segment as ISO 20000-1:2018 Awareness and Auditor Training kit, which is a complete guide in ppt presentation to understand IT service management system requirements as per ISO 20000 standard.
For establishing good system and quick ISO 20000-1:2018 Certification, appropriate training for documentation a
The National Accreditation Board for Hospitals and Healthcare (NABH) has released a new batch of entry-level standards for accreditation of hospitals. As the name suggests, Entry Level Standards are meant for hospitals who want to get started on the quality certification journey. Global Manager Group is offering Pre Accreditation Entry Level for Hospital Documentation Kit required for hospitals having facilities above 50 beds for patients. It enables hospital in demonstrating a commitment to quality care. It raises community confidence in the services provided by the hospital.
Our highly expe
NABH has developed Pre Accreditation Entry Level standards for Small Healthcare Organizations (SHCO) having facilities below 50 beds for patients which could go a long way to strengthen the quality of healthcare delivery in the country. Our Pre Accreditation Entry Level for Small Healthcare Organization Documentation Kit with more than editable 160 files helps such organizations to achieve Pre Entry Level NABH Certification. It enables SHCO in demonstrating the commitment to quality care. It raises community confidence in the services provided by the hospital.
Our highly experienced team of c
Global Manager Group has designed IMS Awareness and Auditor Training Presentation Kit, which is a complete guide in ppt presentation to understand integrated management system requirements as per ISO 9001:2015, ISO 14001:2015 and ISO 45001:2018. This IMS training ppt presentation kit is helpful for the clients for providing awareness of ISO 9001:2015, ISO 14001:2015 and ISO 45001:2018 standards. The IMS ppt presentation is designed for companies who want to arrange an in-house awareness training course for IMS System. It is intended towards those corporate professionals who are interested to e
ISO 37001 2016 - Anti-bribery management system standard was published by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) with the aim of helping organizations combat bribery and promote an ethical business culture. Bribery is a major issue faced by businesses entities. However, organizations can now control the risk of bribery by adopting anti-bribery-anti-corruption compliance program by implementing the guidelines of ISO 37001:2016. Our experienced ISO 37001 consultancy team members are offering ISO 37001 2016 Documentation Kit to meet your legal obligations and commit to the integ
Health, Safety and Environment (HSE) based on ISO 14001:2015 and ISO 45001:2018 is a general term for regulations, methods and processes designed to help protect workers, the environment and the public from harm. HSE Management Systems play an extremely important role in reducing risk, creating a culture that attaches importance on health and safety and supports the continuous improvement of all business processes. Global Manager Group has designed HSE Awareness and Auditor Training Presentation Kit, which is a complete guide, designed as ppt presentation, to understand Health, Safety and Envi
Eye Care Organisation is an integral part of the health care system. The National Accreditation Board for Hospitals and Healthcare (NABH) has released standard for NABH Accreditation of Eye Care Organisation. This standard is meant for ECO who want to get started on the quality certification journey. Accreditation is an incentive to improve the capacity of national ECO to provide quality of care. Global Manager Group offers NABH Documentation Kit for Eye Care Organisations Accreditation. It enables ECO in demonstrating a commitment to quality care. It raises community confidence in the service
The ISO 10002:2018 is a complaints-handling process developed by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO). ISO 10002:2018 gives guidelines for the process of complaints handling. Such a process is related to products and services within an organization, and it includes planning, design, development, operation, maintenance, and improvement.
Global Manager Group introduced sample ISO 10002 documents kit helpful for implementation from the requirements of the standard. This ISO 10002:2018 documentation kit contains a complete set of mandatory and supporting documentation, guidanc
The AS9100D standard is the Quality Management System (QMS) standard for the aviation, space, and defense industries. Global Manager Group is involved in the consultancy of AS9100 certification since the standard was released. Now we are eagerly announcing to introduce our new product in the training segment as AS9100 Awareness and Auditor Training kit, which is a complete guide in ppt presentation to understand quality management system requirements as per AS9100D standard.
For establishing a good system and quick AS9100D Certification, appropriate training for documentation and process requ
The ISO 17020:2012 standard is developed by ISO for assessment of Inspection Agencies. Global Manager Group is offering the consultancy services for ISO 17020:2012 certification since the standard was released. GMG has already launched ISO 17020 Documentation Kit and received very good response from inspection bodies around the world, eagerly announcing to introduce our new product in the training segment as ISO/IEC 17020 Awareness and Auditor Training kit, which is a complete guide in ppt presentation to understand requirements as per ISO/IEC 17020:2012 standard.
For establishing a good system
The ISO/IEC 17024:2012 standard is developed by ISO for assessment of body certifying persons. Global Manager Group is offering the ISO 17024:2012 Kit and received very good response from certifying bodies around the world, now introduces new product in the training segment as ISO/IEC 17024 Auditor Training - PPT Presentation kit, which is a complete guide in ppt presentation and user manual to understand requirements as per ISO/IEC 17020:2012 standard.
For establishing a good system and quick ISO 17024 Certification, auditors must have trained through appropriate training for documentation and
The ISO 55001:2024 specifies requirements for an asset management system within the context of the organization. It can be applied to all type of assets with any size of organization. Such a process is related to Asset management can be the single most powerful weapon in a company's arsenal for saving time, money and manpower.
Global Manager Group introduced a sample ISO 55001 documents kit helpful for the implementation of asset management from the requirements of the standard. This ISO 55001:2024 documentation kit contains a complete set of mandatory and supporting documentation, guidance on
The ISO/IEC 17065:2012 standard is developed by ISO for assessment of body certifying products, processes and services. Global Manager Group is offering the new product in the training segment as ISO/IEC 17065 Auditor Training - PPT Presentation kit, which is a complete guide in ppt presentation for implementing and auditing of bodies certifying products and user manual to understand requirements as per ISO/IEC 17065:2012 standard.
For establishing a good system and quick ISO 17065 Certification, internal auditors must have trained through appropriate training for documentation and auditing proc
The ISO 30405, ISO 30408, and ISO 30409 standards provide guidelines on recruitment, human governance and workforce planning, respectively, for an HR management system of any organization. An integrated HR management system documentation based on these international standards can be the single most powerful weapon in a company's arsenal for saving time, money and manpower.
Introduced by Global Manager Group, this sample HR Management system documentation kit is helpful for the implementation of HR management system in accordance with the requirements of the standards. This HR Management System
To guide organizations for ISO 39001:2012 certification as per ISO 39001:2012 requirements, GMG is developed this ISO 39001:2012 documentation and training kit. The ISO 39001:2012 standard is required a specific set of documents for its effective implementation and certification. This readymade ISO 39001 documentation with a training kit is designed to minimize the time and the cost involved in certification as well as better control over the implemented Road Traffic Safety Management System.
The Documentation for ISO 39001 contains Road Traffic Safety Manual, procedures, exhibits, sampl
To guide organizations for Facility Management System certification as per ISO 41001:2018 requirements, GMG is developed this ISO 41001:2018 documentation and training kit. The ISO 41001:2018 standard is required a specific set of documents for its effective implementation and certification. This readymade ISO 41001 documentation with Training kit is designed to minimize the time and cost involved in certification as well as better control over the implemented Facility Management System.
The ISO 41001 Documentation contains ISO 41001 Manual, procedures, exhibits, sample forms, audit checklist
The integrated system implementation of the General Data Protection Regulation(GDPR) and Information Security Management System(ISMS) to develop data protection and information security-related controls are necessary for every IT operational organization. Our EU GDPR - ISO 27001 Documents kit gives more than 155 different types of sample templates to establish a well-integrated system as per GDPR and ISMS requirements. A globally reputed team of ISMS certification consultants and trainers have involved in the preparation of this integrated documentation kit. The ISMS emphasizes more on measuri
The integrated system implementation of EU GDPR and ISO 27701 based Privacy Information Management System(PIMS) to develop data privacy-related controls are necessary for every IT operational data processing organizations. Our EU GDPR - ISO 27701 Documents kit gives more than 155 different types of sample templates to establish a well-integrated system as per GDPR and PIMS, ISO 27701:2019 requirements. A globally reputed team of ISO certification consultants and trainers have involved in the preparation of this integrated documentation kit. The PIMS emphasizes more on measuring and evaluating
To guide organizations for BS 10012 certification as per BS 10012 requirements with GDPR, GMG is developed this GDPR integrated with BS 10012 Documentation Kit. The BS 10012 standard is required a specific set of documents for its effective implementation and certification. This readymade GDPR integrated with BS 10012 Documentation kit is designed to minimize the time and cost involved in certification as well as better control.
The Documentation for GDPR along with BS 10012 contains PIMS Manual, policies, GDPR and PIMS procedures, sample forms, audit checklists, etc., which are primary docum
Global Manager Group is offering ISO 22716 Documentation kit as per ISO 22716:2007 with a FREE DEMO of the complete list of total documents included with compliance matrix. To establish a good Cosmetic-Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP) and achieve a quick ISO 22716 certification, an appropriate documentation and process for workplace safety is primarily required. Our set of ISO 22716 documents contains more than 95 editable MS-Word files. Our total documents package includes ISO 22716 manual, mandatory procedures for ISO 22716, Exhibits, Process Flow Charts, SOP and ISO 22716 Audit Checklists
For ISO 18788:2015 certification as per Security Operations management system requirements, Global Manager Group is developed this ISO 18788:2015 documents and training kit to guide organizations. The ISO 18788:2015 standard is required a specific set of documents for its effective implementation and certification. This readymade ISO 18788:2015 documentation with a training kit is designed to minimize the time and the cost involved in quick ISO 18788 certification as well as better control over the implemented SOMS.
This Ready-to-use Documentation for ISO 18788 contains Private Security Opera
GMG's ISO 21001:2018 Documentation and Training Kit is based on Educational Organization Management System (EOMS) for educational organizations. Our ISO 21001 Documents with Training Kit gives more than 50 MS Word files that are editable and written in simple English. A globally reputed team of ISO certification consultants and trainers have involved in the preparation of this specific set of documents for its effective implementation and ISO 21001:2018 certification. The organizations willing for EOMS as well as the certification of ISO 21001 are always in search of ready-made documentation to
To get IFS Food Version 8 certification, we offer ready-made editable sample templates on the latest IFS Food documentation kit based on the latest IFS Food Version 8 standard. Our consulting team has prepared the latest IFS Food V 8 Documentation conforming to the requirements of IFS Food Version 8.0. The user can easily modify the given IFS Food documentation templates as per their company working system and create their own IFS food safety documents for their company.
This IFS Food 8 Documentation Kit is based on food safety and the quality of processes and products and covers all the chan
The ISO/IEC 19770-1:2017 specifies requirements for an IT asset management system(ITAM), which addresses both the processes and technology for managing software assets and related IT assets. It belongs to the IT and Software industries of any size of the organization and can be integrated with the other management systems.
Global Manager Group offers a Ready-to-use ISO 19770 documents and training kit helpful for the implementation of IT asset management from the requirements of the standard in IT organizations. This ISO 19770 documents set contains a complete set of mandatory and supporting d
Global Manager Group is developed this SA 8000 and ISO 26000 Social Accountability Documentation and Awareness Training kit to guide organizations for SA 8000 certification. The SA 8000 & social responsibility as per ISO 26000 standard is required a specific set of documents for its effective implementation and certification. So, this readymade SA 8000 and ISO 26000 Social Accountability Documentation with a training kit is designed to minimize the time and the cost involved in quick SA 8000 certification as well as better control over the implemented Social Accountability.
This Ready-to-
Global Manager Group has developed ISO 20121 Documentation and Awareness Training kit to guide organizations for the Event sustainability management system and ISO 20121 certification. The ISO 20121:2024 standard is required a specific set of documents for its effective implementation and certification. So, this readymade ISO 20121 documentation with a training kit is designed to minimize the time and the cost occupied while ISO 20121:2024 certification as well as better control over the implemented Event Sustainability Management System.
This Ready-to-use documentation part contains ISO 2012
For ISO 29001:2020 certification as per Petroleum, petrochemical and natural gas industries - sector-specific quality management system requirements, Global Manager Group is developed this ISO 29001 documents and training kit to guide Product and Service supply organizations. The ISO 29001:2020 standard is required a specific set of documents for its effective implementation and certification. This readymade ISO 29001:2020 documentation with a training kit is designed to minimize the time and the cost involved in quick ISO 29001:2020 certification as well as better control over the implemented
Global Manager Group's this ISO 20252:2019 Documentation and Training Kit is based on Market Research Management System for organizations. Our ISO 20252 Documents with Training Kit gives more than 100 MS Word files are editable and written in simple English. A globally reputed team of ISO certification consultants and trainers have involved in the preparation of this specific set of documents for its effective implementation and ISO 20252:2019 certification. The organizations willing for Market Research Management System as well as the certification of ISO 20252 are always in search of ready-ma
The ISO 37001:2016 standard is developed by ISO for Anti-bribery management systems. Global Manager Group is offering the new product in the training segment as ISO 37001 Auditor Training - PPT Presentation kit, which is a complete guide in ppt presentation for implementing and auditing of organizations for Anti-bribery management systems that meets requirements as per ISO 37001:2016 standard.
For establishing a good system and quick ISO 37001 Certification, internal auditors must have trained through appropriate training for documentation and auditing process in any organization. With this I
The ISO/IEC 27701:2019 standard is developed by ISO for Privacy information management system. Global Manager Group is offering the new product in the training segment as ISO 27701 Auditor Training - PPT Presentation kit, which is a complete guide in ppt presentation for implementing and auditing of organizations for Privacy information management system that meets requirements as per ISO/IEC 27701:2019 standard.
For establishing a good system and quick ISO 27701 Certification, internal auditors must have trained through appropriate training for documentation and auditing process in any organiz
The ISO 13485:2016 standard is developed by ISO for medical devices - quality management system. Global Manager Group is offering the new product in the training segment as ISO 13485 Auditor Training - PPT Presentation kit, which is a complete guide in ppt presentation for implementing and auditing of organizations for Quality management system for medical devices that meets requirements as per ISO 13485:2016 standard.
For establishing a good system and quick ISO 13485 Certification, internal auditors must have trained through appropriate training for documentation and auditing process in any
ISO 15189:2022 is an international standard developed by International Organization for Standardization (ISO) to specify the requirements for quality and competence in medical laboratories. This is the current version of ISO 15189 standard. Global Manager Group is offering the new product in the training segment as ISO 15189 Auditor Training - PPT Presentation kit, which is a complete guide for training of internal auditors as well as implementation of Quality management system in medical laboratories meeting the requirements of revised ISO 15189:2022 standard.
For establishing a good system
The ISO/IEC 17021-1:2015 standard is developed by ISO for for certifying bodies providing auditing and certification. Global Manager Group is offering the new product in the training segment as ISO/IEC 17021 Auditor Training - PPT Presentation kit, which is a complete guide in ppt presentation for implementing and auditing of organizations that meets requirements as per ISO/IEC 17021-1:2015 standard.
For establishing a good system and quick ISO/IEC 17021 Certification, internal auditors must have trained through appropriate training for documentation and auditing process in any organization. With
The ISO 17034:2016 standard is developed by ISO for general requirements for the competence of reference material producers. Global Manager Group is offering the new product in the training segment as ISO 17034 Auditor Training - PPT Presentation kit, which is a complete guide in ppt presentation for implementing and auditing of organizations for a quality management system for reference material producers that meets requirements as per ISO 17034:2016 standard.
For establishing a good system and quick ISO 17034 Certification, internal auditors must have trained through appropriate training fo
Information in plain English with detailed steps for Educational organization management system certification and requirements are given in our C135 ISO 21001:2018 auditor training presentation kit with a copy of the sample certificate of the certified auditor. The EOMS auditor training kit is designed to learn Educational Organizations Management System auditing concept with auditing forms and ready to use EOMS audit checklist. The ISO 21001 ppt presentation is useful for companies who want to arrange in-house awareness and certified internal auditor courses for educational organizations' mana
Information in plain English with detail steps for Asset management system certification and requirements are given in our C136 ISO 55001:2024 auditor training presentation kit with copy of sample certificate of certified auditor training. The training materials are globally used by our consultants and more than 1000 participants are so far trained by our team in various small and big size organizations.
The Asset management system - iso 55001 auditor training ppt presentation is intended towards those corporate professionals who are interested to establish good Asset management system and mo
To guide organizations for ISO 14155:2020 certification as per ISO 14155:2020 requirements, GMG is developed this ISO 14155:2020 documentation and training kit. The ISO 14155:2020 standard is required a specific set of documents for its effective implementation and certification. These readymade ISO 14155 documents with a training ppt package is designed to minimize the time and the cost involved in certification as well as better control over the Clinical investigation of medical devices for human subjects.
The Documentation for ISO 14155 contains quality manual, procedures, exhibits, sample
The ISO 29993 specifies requirements for a learning service outside formal education, which address both the processes and technology that used for managing learning and other than formal education related services. It is belong to the education industries with any size of organization and can be integrated with the other management systems.
Global Manager Group offers a Ready-to-use ISO 29993 documents and training kit that helpful for the implementation of learning service management system from the requirements of the standard for the organizations provides other than formal education serv
API SPEC Q1 currently has applicable 10th Edition, which was released in september 2023 that covers requirements of specification for Quality Management System for Manufacturing Organizations for the Petroleum and Natural Gas Industry. This API Q1 specification establishes the minimum quality management system requirements for organizations that manufacture products or provide manufacturing-related processes under a product specification for use in the petroleum and natural gas industry. It helps the organization to demonstrate its ability to consistently provide reliable products and manufact
Information in plain English with detailed steps for cosmetic - Good Manufacturing Practices(GMP) certification and requirements are given in our C136 ISO 22716:2007 auditor training presentation kit with a copy of a sample certificate of certified auditor training. The training materials are globally used by our consultants and more than 1000 participants are so far trained by our team in various small and big size organizations.
The GMP Cosmetic - ISO 22716 auditor training ppt presentation is intended towards those corporate professionals who are interested to establish a good management s
ISO 22483:2020 is developed by ISO, which was released 1st edition in April 2020 that covers requirements for tourism services and hotel-related services management systems in the Hotel Industry. This ISO 22483:2020 establishes the minimum quality management system requirements for organizations associated with tourism and related services as well as hotels services. It helps an organization to demonstrate its ability to consistently provide and establish quality requirements and recommendations for hotels regarding staff, service, events, entertainment activities, safety and security, mainten
API issued the 2nd edition of API Specification (Spec) Q2, Quality Management for Service Supply Organizations for the Petroleum and Natural Gas Industry to help ensure that safety, environmental protection, and sustainability requirements are met across the natural gas and oil exploration and production activities. Spec Q2 began in early 2010 to reduce risk and improve service quality by identifying and standardizing the expectations for the execution of upstream services like good construction, intervention, production, and abandonment. It helps the organization to demonstrate its ability to
The food safety management system helps an organization to implement a preventive system that ensures very safe production of the food products. Global Manager Group has designed ready to use document kit for FSSC 22000 Scheme (Version 5.1) - food safety system certification, which covers FSSC 22000 Manual, food safety and HACCP procedures, SOPs, formats, and FSSC audit checklists, etc., prepared as per latest version 5.1. The entire food safety system document kit is designed in an editable format and can be used as a quick tool for documenting the FSSC system. It has been developed and is al
Global Manager Group (GMG) has developed this ISO 22316 Documentation and Awareness Training kit to guide organizations for organizational resilience management system implementation and ISO 22316 certification. ISO 22316:2017 is an international standard published by ISO. The complete title of this standard is ISO 22316:2017 Security and resilience – Organizational resilience – Principles and attributes. Organizational Resilience is the organization’s ability to anticipate, respond and adapt to unexpected disruptions.
ISO 22316:2017 standard requires a specific
ISO 28000: 2022 is a versatile standard and it is applicable to all types and sizes of organizations in any geographical locations. Any commercial enterprises, manufacturing companies, government or other public agencies and non-profit organizations can implement ISO 28000 Security Management System and get ISO 28000: 2022 certification. Before going for ISO 28000 certification, your organization will need to prepare ISO 28000 documentation and properly implement the ISO 28000: 2022 requirements.
Global Manager Group has designed this ready-to-use ISO 28000 2022 documentation and training kit
ISO/IEC 27017:2015 is an international standard developed by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) and International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) in collaboration with the ITU Telecommunication Standardization Sector (ITU-T) to specify the guidelines for safeguarding cloud-based environments and minimizing the potential risk of information security incidents. It provides information security guidelines for organizations that provide or use cloud services. This version of the ISO/IEC 27017 standard was reviewed and confirmed by ISO/IEC in 2021, hence the current version. Gl
Global Manager Group (GMG) has developed this ISO/IEC 27017:2015 Documentation Kit to guide organizations for preparing documentation of IT- Security Techniques for Cloud Services (ITCS) management system based on ISO/IEC 27017:2015. This documentation kit will help organizations in the documentation of information security controls for cloud technology implementation and ISO/IEC 27017 certification. ISO/IEC 27017:2015 is an international standard published by ISO. The complete title of this standard is ISO/IEC 27017:2015 Information technology — Security techniques — Code of pract
ISO 35001 is an international standard developed by International Organization for Standardization (ISO) to specify requirements for a Biorisk management system for laboratories and other related organizations. ISO 35001 was prepared by ISO technical committee ISO/TC 212, Clinical laboratory testing, and in vitro diagnostic test systems. ISO 35001 is the first standard of its kind, specifically designed to help laboratories and other organizations involving biohazardous materials protect themselves and their environment. This standard defines a process to identify, assess, control, and monitor
The ISO/IEC 17029:2019 standard is published by ISO for conformity assessment of validation/verification bodies in any sector and geographical location. Global Manager Group is offering this new product in the training segment as ISO/IEC 17029 Auditor Training - PPT Presentation kit, which is a complete guide for implementing and auditing validation/verification bodies. Handouts cum user manual is provided to understand the requirements of ISO/IEC 17029:2019 standard.
For establishing a good management system and quick ISO 17029 Accreditation, internal auditors must have trained through appropriat
ISO 37301:2021 is an international standard developed by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) to specify requirements for a Compliance management system for any type and sizes of organizations in any geographical location. ISO 37301 was prepared by the ISO technical committee ISO/TC 309, Governance of Organizations. ISO 37301:2021 is the first international certifiable standard for compliance management systems of organizations. This first edition of ISO 37301 cancels and replaces ISO 19600:2014 compliance management system guidelines, which have been technically revised.
GMG offers IFS Food Version 8 awareness and auditor training presentation ppt slides, which is based on the latest IFS food safety standard. This training kit is useful for food manufacturing/processing companies, their personnel, suppliers as well as food safety and quality consultants. IFS Food V-8 has been published in April 2023. IFS have stated that IFS Food V8 Audits will start from 1st of October 2023. From 1st of January 2024, IFS Food Version 8 audits will become mandatory. So far, our many customers have trained their employees with help of our IFS awareness & auditor ppt presenta
The handling of biological materials in itself is dangerous; however, it is essential for laboratories and related organizations engaged in testing of biological materials for diagnosing diseases, pharmaceutical and scientific research, etc. ISO 35001 is the first standard of its kind, specifically designed to help laboratories and other organizations involving biohazardous materials protect themselves and their environment. Since the outbreak of COVID-19 pandemic, ISO 35001 biorisk management system has become even more significant to address biological risks among organizations that manage b
For organizations seeking growth and long-term success, consistently adhering to compliance obligations is now a must, not an option. ISO 37301:2021 provides a globally accepted framework for all organizations to establish, develop, implement, evaluate, maintain and improve a system to manage their compliance issues. With the publication of ISO 37301 in April 2021, this standard has replaced ISO 19600:2014, Compliance management systems - Guidelines. ISO 37001: 2021 can be implemented as a standalone system or in conjunction with other management systems. It can be easily integrated into an or
ISO/IEC 17029:2019 standard is a new member in the family of standards issued by ISO/IEC for the assessment and recognition of bodies/organizations performing conformity assessment activities. ISO/IEC 17029:2019 has been issued for the assessment and formal recognition (accreditation) of bodies performing validation/verification of information declared in claims as conformity assessment activities. This new member of ISO/IEC 17000 family complements the conformity assessment standards designed and published by ISO’s committee on conformity assessment. This standard ensures that the validation/v
NABH has issued 3rd edition of the Accreditation Standards for Small Healthcare Organizations (SHCO) having facilities below 50 beds for patients, which could go a long way to strengthen the quality of healthcare delivery in the country. Our Accreditation Documentation Kit for Small Healthcare Organizations with more than 200 editable Word files is aimed to help such organizations to achieve NABH Accreditation. This kit will enable SHCO in demonstrating the commitment to quality care. NABH Accreditation raises community confidence in the services provided by the hospital.
Our highly experien
ISO/IEC 42001:2023 standard is a new standard issued by ISO in December 2023 for an Artificial Intelligence Management System (AIMS) within organizations. This standard specifies requirements and controls for establishing, implementing, maintaining and continually improving an AIMS. It sets a global benchmark for AIMS of organizations. ISO/IEC 42001:2023 has been issued for the assessment and formal recognition (certification) of organizations who have successfully implemented AIMS in accordance with ISO/IEC 42001:2023 requirements. This new standard offers a structured framework to guide organiz
ISO/IEC 42001:2023 is an international standard developed by International Organization for Standardization to specify requirements for an Artificial Intelligence management system(AIMS) for any types and sizes of organizations that provide or use products or services that utilize AI systems. This standard specifies requirements and controls for establishing, implementing, maintaining and continually improving an AIMS. It sets a global benchmark for AIMS of organizations. ISO 42001:2023 has been issued for the assessment and formal recognition (certification) of organizations who have successfu
ISO 14065:2020 standard outlines the principles and requirements for greenhouse gas (GHG) validation and verification bodies. ISO 14065 plays a crucial role in organizations involved in managing and reporting greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. It provides guidelines for organizations that aim to demonstrate the credibility and reliability of their GHG assertions and reports through independent validation and verification processes. These requirements ensure that these bodies operate competently, impartially, and consistently when validating or verifying GHG emissions and removals. ISO 14065 certi
The ISO 7101 documents packages are prepared by the highly skilled team of people with rich experience of hospitals system establishment and process improvement and many hospitals are appraised successfully. Our documents have helped globally many hospitals of any size (small business unit or multispecialty with more than 50 beds) to make the total documents for their health care organization in line with international standards to implement the best documents system and good practices with total patient care and infection controls. We have given all type of templates in editable format and ho