Certification Documentation

ISO/IEC 17021:2015 Documentation Kit – Manual, Procedures, Templates & Audit Checklist

Documents for ISO 17021-1:2015
D121 :
ISO 17021-1:2015 Documents

$620 USD

ISO 17021 2015 documents contain more than 75 editable MS-Word files. These editable documents address all the elements of certifying body accreditation...

Content of ISO/IEC 17021:2015 Documentation Kit – Manual, Procedures, Templates & Audit Checklist

The ISO 17021 Documentation - 2015 for conformity assessments includes following ready-to-use templates, which can accelerate the documentation process for accreditation to ISO/IEC 17021-1:2015.

  1. ISO 17021 Manual (10 chapters and 8 Annexure) to define how ISO 17021-1:2015 system is implemented. This describes the system at the macro level.
  2. Policies (04 policies) as per requirements of ISO 17021-1:2015.
  3. Mandatory Procedures (10 Procedures) for conformity assessment and guideline documents to describe the system at a micro level for the certifying.
  4. Standard Operating Procedures to follow while implementing an effective system (04 SOPs).
  5. Set of 38 blank sample forms and templates to fill up records and learn system requirements.
  6. ISO 17021 2015 Audit Checklist, to verify the implemented conformity assessment system and add effectiveness in the accreditation process. This is a good guide for internal audit to ensure the system is meeting ISO17021 requirements.
  7. Sample Risk templates to define risk area for the certifying body/ iso 17021 consultant and document for the organization.
  8. Compliance Matrix designed for ISO 17021:2015 requirements wise reference documents. So this is helpful for iso 17021 consultancy and/or any organization to establish linkage of requirements vs documents.

Features of the Product

  • Written in simple English.
  • Written in .docx format and accessible with MS Word 2007 and later versions.
  • Documents with iso 17021 manual are user compatible, easy to learn and easy to use.
  • Anyone can visit sample DEMO with a list of documents that helps to take the decision to purchase this documentation kit.
  • It contains manual, procedures, standard operating procedures, policies, forms and iso 17021 audit checklists which are a complete set of documentation.
  • Defines the baseline system that satisfies requirements for certifying body as well as covers ISO/IEC 17021-1:2015 principles.
  • Minimize excessive paperwork for iso 17021 consultant.
  • Most compatible for certifying body in the USA, UK, Europe, and Asia.
  • User-friendly and easy to learn as well as modify to make your own documents.
  • Designed under the guidance of experienced consultants for a quick iso 17021 accreditation tool kit.

How This Product is Useful

  • The user can modify readymade iso 17021 templates as per their working system and iso 17021 consultancy can create own documents for quick certification.
  • Procedures and formats provided in the iso 17021 documentation kit can help in fine-tuning the processes and establish better control over the management system.
  • It saves a lot of time and cost in document preparation. It gives value for money to customers and payback is very low.
  • Ready to use templates in word document format will reduce your time in the documentation process as well as useful in giving training to staff.
  • Takes care for all the sections and sub-sections to get better confidence as well as improve the system for iso 17021 certification with the help of iso 17021 audit chekclist.
  • ISO 17021 audit checklist is given with more than 400 questions for the iso 17021 2015 audit, which easy to train all the employees for iso 17021 certification audit.

More Details

The ISO 17021 Accreditation to Certifying Body is a procedure by which an accreditation body gives formal recognition of technical competence for specific system certification based on third-party assessment. Like other International certification, it needs standard documentation which conforming to the requirements of Conformity Assessment of certifying bodies as per ISO/IEC 17021 2015. The standard is revised in June 2015, as ISO/IEC 17021-1:2015, which contains principles and requirements for the bodies providing audit and certification of all types of management systems.

GlobalManagerGroup's consulting team has designed total documents to help to certify the body in formatting quick documentation for ISO 17021 certification, for conformity assessment of certifying body. It is a globally used documentation tool by iso 17021 consultant, which is available with easy editing features and compatible with clause-wise requirements for quick iso 17021 accreditation. The documentation kit includes an iso 17021 manual that defines implemented system, procedures, policies, standard operating procedures to follow, sample formats, audit checklist, templates, etc. Our complete documentation kit helps any certifying body to update their existing system to ISO 17021 2015 accreditation or to make a complete system and implement for quick iso 17021 certification for new clients. The best part of the documentation kit is its user compatibility, as a complete set of iso 17021 documents are available in word format and written in simple English. The ISO 17021 consultant can update sample document templates as per the organization working system and create their own documents for their company in a couple of days.

Method of Delivery of ISO/IEC 17021:2015 Documentation Kit

The iso 17021 documents for conformity assessment can be purchased through a secure online transaction. The soft-copy shall be delivered by Download ISO 17021 2015 documents from server/ E-mail (after 12 hours of confirmation of payment). After the purchase of any product online via secure payment get-way, we are giving username and password to download your purchased product. All the files and formats in the documents are editable in MSword and users can change it as per their requirements.

Note: All the documents are editable and all rights of editing iso 17021 documentation package are given to the buyer for changing company name, logo, etc as per company system requirements and helps in quick iso 17021 accreditation.

This product kit softcopy is now on sale. This product is delivered by download from server/ E-mail.

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