Certification Documentation

Integrated Management System Documents for EQHSMS-IMS Certification

IMS EQHSMS Documents Download
D154 :
IMS EQHSMS Documents

$499 USD

EQHSMS documents contain more than 270 editable MS-Word files. These editable documents address all the elements of quality, environment, health and safety systems.

Content of Integrated Management System Documents for EQHSMS-IMS Certification

The contents of the document kit which we offer include more than 270 document files as listed below:

  1. System Manual (EQHSMS manual with 10 chapters and 04 Annexures): A sample EQHSMS manual that meets the requirement and describes the macro level system in an integrated way for the quality, environment, and oh&s system requirements.
  2. EQHSMS Procedures (13 procedures): It includes 13 procedures to implement the IMS system in the company.
  3. Process flow Charts (11 process templates): It includes process flow chart with input-output matrix and process mapping including micro-level process risk and opportunities.
  4. Standard Operating Procedures (66 sops): Operating procedures and environmental control and safety system procedures for good work practices and reduce environmental issues as well as accidents.
  5. Exhibits (13 exhibits): It covers Skill Requirements, Disposal Of Non-Conforming Products, EMS Objective Plan, Operational Control Plan, Quality Plan, etc
  6. Blank formats (86 sample forms): A set of 86 - EQHSMS templates and standard forms for QMS 9001:2015, EMS 14001:2015 and ISO 45001:2018.
  7. HSE plan (06 plans): It covers sample copy of plans to link the organizational objectives with the management plans for improvements.
  8. OHS Policies (07 policies): It covers sample copy of policies for OHS.
  9. Sample filled Aspects / Impacts: The ready to use Aspects and Impacts in filled form is given to prepare the aspects and impacts document for the organization.
  10. Sample filled HIRA: Hazard identification and risk assessment in the filled form are given to prepare the HIRA document.
  11. Filled Formats (35 Sample forms): It covers sample filled formats to learn how to maintain records and establish better control over implemented systems.
  12. Sample Management Review Meeting: It covers the sample copy of agenda of the management review meeting and objective review.
  13. EQHSMS Audit checklist (more than 1500 questions): Audit questions on QMS 9001:2015, EMS 14001:2015, and ISO 45001:2018 as well as for each department wise are included in this file.
  14. Sample Risk Assessment Sheet: It is documented that it helps the user to prepare the risk document for the organization.
  15. EQHSMS Compliance Matrix: It defines a requirement-wise list of documented information references of this kit.

Features of the Product

  • EQHSMS documents are in plain English and easy to edit.
  • A soft-copy of an editable - EQHSMS document kit is provided.
  • It is easy to learn and user-friendly and comply all QMS 9001:2015, EMS 14001:2015 and ISO 45001:2018 requirements.
  • It has been developed by experienced experts.
  • User-friendly and easy to learn in the USA, UK, Singapore, Malaysia, Vietnam, South Africa and other countries for establishing a good EQHSMS system.
  • Our products are highly sold globally and used by many multinational companies and had provided total customer satisfaction as well as value for money.
  • In preparation of document kits; it is been verified and evaluated at various levels of our team and more than 10000 hours are spent in preparation of this EQHSMS document kit.

How This Product is Useful

  • The user can very easily modify the templates according to their products and create the documents for their organization within 3 days.
  • It contains EQHSMS manual, procedures, work instructions, SOPs, formats, templates and many filled forms that are primary requirements of integrated management system documentation process.
  • Such excellent documents give total help to users for making the best system. Such a ready tool kit of more than 1500 Environment, quality and Health safety management system audit checklist helps the organization to ensure the micro-level system is well established and nothing is missed out.
  • Download free demo of total documents that help the user to understand the list of all documents provided by us.
  • Save much time and cost in document preparation.
  • Our rich experienced system certification consultancy helps you in making best-integrated management system on Quality, Environment and safety system.

More Details

The new standard for Occupational, health, and safety management system, ISO 45001:2018 is released by ISO. Organizations are looking for its integration with existing ISO 9001:2015 and ISO 14001:2015 system. Global Manager Group is introducing an Integrated Management System related to quality, environment, health, and safety system with a complete list of total documentation is provided in the Integrated Management System EQHSMS Documentation kit - 2018, which covers total documentation requirements of ISO 9001:2015, ISO 14001:2015 and ISO 45001:2018 integration. Global Manager Group has a globally reputed team of consultants having rich experience in environment, quality, and OHS management system, who are involved in preparing this EQHSMS documentation kit, which is a set of ready to use word templates in editable format. The user can modify the templates as per their company working system and create their own EQHSMS documents much faster.

The documents provided by us include EQHSMS Manual, procedures, EMS plan, process flow charts, policy, standard operating procedures, audit checklist, sample risk templates, and forms. It can be downloaded by the user in a word and excel file and is easy to edit. We offer IMS consultancy for implementation of the EQHSMS system - ISO 9001:2015, ISO 14001:2015 and ISO 45001:2018 certification. Globally many clients from USA, UK, Middle East, Europe, Asia are already using our documents and ready to use templates and already certified

Method of Delivery of EQHSMS Documentation Package - 2018

After successful online transaction to purchase our EQHSMS documentation kit on ISO 9001:2015, ISO 14001:2015 and ISO 45001:2018, we are providing username and password via email within 12 to 24 hours to download purchased product. Hence the online secure transaction is handled by the third party authorized payment gateway and the delivery of our products is online from our FTP server.

This product kit softcopy is now on sale. This product is delivered by download from server/ E-mail.

For more details on ISO Certification, Contact Us or to see demo of our products, visit our E-Shop.

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